Friday, September 27, 2019

Introspection of Faith in the Act of Terrorism Assignment

Introspection of Faith in the Act of Terrorism - Assignment Example The September 2011 bombing of World Trade Center marked a climatic event in history. Al Qaeda, the Islamic terrorist group, achieved worldwide fame upon its linkage to the bombings (Farmer, 2003). The loss of lives in the attack induced American patriotism and the need to eradicate terrorism. It paved the way for urgent and extensive means in combating terrorism. In spite of the negativity and rage in which the world perceived the attacks, Al Qaeda saw it in a contradictory perspective. For the members of Al Qaeda, there is global declension and there is a need to put today’s society into complete demise (Farmer, 2003). The death of the people who they deem as ‘evil’ is a triumphant moment for Al Qaeda. According to them, they are acting to please their God by eliminating America which they deem as the â€Å"evil power† . On the other hand, although Islam is the most associated religion in terrorism, there are also terrorist groups claiming their values are based on Christianity. One of these is the Ku Klux Clan. The original aim upon the founding of the group is severely deviated from the deeds they performed. From the playful acts and practical jokes in the 1800’s, Ku Klux Clan became one of the notorious racist and moralist groups in history (Farmer, 2003). They argued that white people are superior and that they are true descendants fitted to inherit the kingdom of God (Farmer, 2003). Consequently, black people and those who do not meet their moral criteria are labeled as targets.

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